Krop BioResonance Studio

A division of Ecohealth & Wellness: The life-changing magic of healing your energy

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Dr.Krop Featured in Vitality

Dr. Krop has been featured in the March 2017 issue of Vitality Magazine.

Click on the link to read about how he came to become a doctor, how he came to embrace alternative medicine and the impact his career path has had on the landscape of alterative health in Canada.

Awards Dinner

Congratulations to all five of the Dr. Roger’s Prize Groundbreaker Awards!









Thank you also to all the support from family, friends, colleagues, co-workers and supporters over the years!









Thank you also to the Dr. Rogers Organization, the respected jurors and the Lotte & John Hecht Memorial Foundation,

Dr. Krop Wins Award!

Dr. Krop has been awarded one of the Groundbreaker Awards for Excellence in Complementary & Alternative Medicine

The Dr. Rogers Prize for Excellence in Complementary and Alternative Medicine is pleased to announce the winners of the Dr. Rogers Prize Groundbreaker Awards. Five Canadian leaders in health care have been selected by an international jury in recognition of their lifetime of dedication to patient care, often in the face of adversity.

In celebration of the 10th anniversary of the Dr. Rogers Prize, the Groundbreaker Awards are a one-time award to honour those individuals whose personal conviction to pursue practices above and beyond the medical status quo prepared the way for future leaders, evocative of Sir Isaac Newton’s famous quote –

“If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.”

Dr. Jozef Krop, Recipient, Groundbreaker Award

Born in 1944 in Poland, a personal experience with tuberculosis inspired Jozef Krop to become a doctor. He studied medicine at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków (1962 – 1968). After immigrating to Canada in 1972, he completed his medical internship at Saskatoon City Hospital where he worked with psychiatrist Dr. Abram Hoffer. Impressed by Dr. Hoffer’s success using dietary interventions and therapeutic doses of Vitamins B3, C and B6 to treat schizophrenia, Dr. Krop went on to train in orthomolecular and environmental medicine, and became a Fellow of the American Academy for Environmental Medicine in 1983. From 1984 to 1988, he was involved in government-initiated, university-based projects exploring the potential benefit of environmental medicine for Canadians and presented before the Brundtland Commission.The College of Physicians and Surgeons (CPSO) pursued disciplinary action against him (1989-2010) – without patient complaint or harm – with the documented intent of stopping his use of particular medical modalities despite their published scientific basis. Several colleagues endured similar persecution. Two decades of nation-wide publicity resulting in public pressure brought changes to medical legislation. The treatment modalities which the CPSO attempted to discredit are now accepted and recognized by mainstream medicine. The legal success achieved on his behalf is today taught in law school (i.e., the Krop Defense). The Canadian Human Rights Commission’s 2007 Report required accommodation for Environmental Sensitivities. Dr. Krop is currently involved in introducing environmental medicine to the curriculum at the University of Łódź in Poland. His work is documented in various scientific papers and in his book Healing the Planet One Patient At a Time.

The Gala Award Dinner is to be held in Toronto on Friday, February 24, 2017.

To learn more about the award and the other four recipients please click here.

Preventing Adrenal Burnout – Workshop at Total Health Show April 19th




What are you doing April 19th?

Dr. Krop speaking on preventing burnout at the Total Health Show Sunday, April 19th!

Exhausted? Constantly tired? Do you have a stressful job? Stress at home and in your relationships? Dealing with a chronic illness?

Fatigue and exhaustion seem to be the new normal – but it doesn’t have to be that way.  Supporting our adrenals is the key to life and energy!

Join Dr. Krop at the Total Health Show  for an eye-opening presentation on the signs, symptoms and root causes of adrenal fatigue and how to get your energy back. Dr. Krop will explain how the stress process develops and the remedies to bring your adrenal function into balance. will dispel the myths (that even health practitioners believe) about adrenals and your health. You will discover the traps that keep your energy in a vicious cycle of depletion, the habits that keep you on the path to burnout and the effective strategies to release stress, restore vitality and reclaim your wellbeing – physical and emotional.  Dr. Krop will be joined by a special guest, Joanna Krop, who works with him at this clinic as a bioresonance therapist. She is also transformational coach and hypnosis practitioner with an emphasis in working with teachers to prevent burnout. Visit her at She will share her methods for preventing burnout that can be applied to anyone wanting to reclaim their energy.

How do you know if you might have adrenal fatigue? These are some signs:

  • Night sweats
  • Low sex drive
  • Foggy thinking
  • Morning sluggishness
  • Needing coffee to kick start your energy
  • Irritability / aggression
  • Feeling unable to cope
  • Crying jags/ tearfulness
  • Feeling tired – hard to fall asleep & waking at night
  • Depressive feelings & mood Swings
  • Panic or anxiety attacks
  • Exhausted with exercise
  • Feel pressed for time
  • Food, Chemical, EMF sensitivity

This workshop has been designed to help you:

  • Understand why adrenal health is key to dealing with stress and maintaining health
  • Discover the 7 Major Types of Stressors
  • Identify the 3 Stages of Adrenal Fatigue
  • Recognize your stress patterns and how to reverse them
  • Discover why meditation & deep breathing are not enough to combat stress
  • Create more time in your life
  • Discover the vitamins and herbs that help with adrenal fatigue
  • Find out the main things to avoid to prevent adrenal fatigue
  • Eat the right foods to support your adrenals

Dr. Krop will be at the Total Health Show in Toronto giving this talk on
SUNDAY, APRIL 19  2015
4:00-600 in Room 205

APRIL 17-19 2015
Metro Toronto Convention Centre


Stop the Leak – beginning to heal leaky gut

Most GI tract diseases are treated with the wrong medication

Stop the leak! Beginning to heal leaky gut.

Good digestion is key to good health. Without it, the nutrients in our food cannot be transported to where they are needed to power the amazing machine called our body. There are many factors that support good digestion and gut health – and we are going to look more closely at one key factor to keeping your gut healthy.

An appropriate level of hydrochloric acid (HCL) in the stomach is a key factor to good digestion.  The ideal  pH of HCl is an acidic 1.5 – 3.0. This right level of HCl contributes to many processes that not only aid digestion, but improve health.

It’s easier to understand just how important HCL is, by understanding what happens with our digestion when we don’t have enough of this essential acid.

When your HCL is LOW – you might notice the following:

You develop leaky gut and might be diagnosed with an autoimmune disorder. This cascade begins because low HCl decreases the pancreatic secretion of bicarbonates, which prevents neutralization of acidic stomach contents, which leads to a damaged small intestine wall, which leads to leaky gut syndrome.

Your digestive tract can become flooded with pathogens. Why? Appropriate HCl levels sterilize food from pathogens (like parasites, bacteria, virus, fungus) in the stomach. Without sterilization these pathogens enter your body and create health problems. An example of a fairly common bacterium is H. Pylori – which is responsible for stomach discomfort, then ulcers and if left untreated, can lead to stomach cancer. H. Pylori is also a pathogen that affects heart tissue.

You have more food allergies and sensitivities because of decreased amino acids. How does this happen?  Because without HCL proteins aren’t pre-digested.

You end up with a B12 deficiency. Why? Because low HCl leads to a decreased production of Intrinsic Factor that ultimately leads to a B12 deficiency

You can end up with mineral deficiency – and minerals are integral to good health.  How does this happen? Without HCl minerals not ionized or chelated

You have less effective digestion – because a lack of HCl leads to decreased secretion of bile.

The treatment mistake

The problem is that most upper Gastro-intestinal problems are often mistakenly treated with medications to lower HCl. These medications, antacids, inhibit HCL – which creates a vicious cycle of poor digestion and pathogenic infection in the gut leading to all sorts of health issues. The reality is that 90% of upper GI problems start with low HCl in the stomach.

There are 10 factors that lower HCL in our body. By avoiding these 10 factors and substituting better habits we can begin to create better conditions for digestion in our gut.

LOW HCl is preventable. 10 Factors that lower HCL … and their antidotes

  1. Animal meats & fats … opt for vegetarian meals more frequently
  2. Milk (casein) … consider being diary-free
  3. Processed foods = dead food = no enzymes … add whole, fresh, raw foods to replace these
  4. Iced beverages, carbonated water and pop drinks … opt for filtered water with lemon
  5. Chlorinated water  … use filtered water
  6. Caffeine, nicotine …try herbal teas or just cut down on the coffee to 3 times a week.
  7. Nicotine à don’t smoke!
  8. Stress (physical, chemical, mental)… try practices that can relieve stress: yoga, meditation, nature, counselling and emotional healing, avoid chemicals like scented body and cleaning products
  9. Age (after 40 a loss of 10% with every decade) … after 40 be more mindful of your eating habits to you are not lowering your HCL levels with poor eating habits.
  10. Nutritional deficiency of Zn, B1, B6 … if you are low in these nutrients, consider supplementing.

Considering how our eating habit influence HCL is a step in the right direction for preventing GI discomfort – and also bigger problems down the road.

Chronic Health Issues and Chronic Lyme

The Puzzle of Chronic Lyme

Being bitten by a tick, seeing a bulls-eye rash erupt and getting flu-like symptoms are the common look-fors of acute Lyme disease. But Lyme is more complex than that. Acute Lyme left improperly treated, or missed altogether, becomes a complex puzzle of symptoms, causes and experiences.

Not all chronic illness is related to chronic Lyme, but many people experiencing chronic Lyme don’t know it.

The following are familiar symptoms for many people.


  • Headaches, hallucinations, cognitive disorders, brain fog, imbalance, Bell’s palsy
  • Depression, insomnia, anxiety
  • Debilitating tiredness & exhaustion
  • Within 6 months you can no longer go to work
  • Severe & bizarre chemical/ medication sensitivity
  • Severe allergies / extreme hives
  • Recurrent flu-like symptoms
    • Gastrointestinal problems , diarrhea & cramps, gut paralysis (Ahalasia)
    • Chest pain, irregular heart beat
    • Joint & Muscle pain;  neck & shoulder pain, hip pain
    • Gynecological problems, severe PMS, heavy bleeding, early hysterectomy
    • Loss of libido
    • Dermatological, ocular changes, floaters

Yet – people find little relief. They find medication is not effective, they see lots of specialists and and have many tests done – yet there’s no diagnosis,  no one is really able to figure out what is going on. So they person is told that it must be “all in your head”.

Or, the person is finally diagnosed with one of the following

  • Chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • All collagen diseases (all types of arthritis, Lupus)
  • Inflammatory bowel diseases (e.g. Crohn’s)
  • Chronic depression, schizophrenia
  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Lou Gehrig’s (ALS)
  • Cerebral atrophy, Bell’s palsy, Trigeminal Neuralgia
  • Parkinson’s disease , Alzheimer’s, etc.
  • Autism, learning disorders, hyperactivity, etc. What if there are some common bugs that could be causing this health puzzle.

    What is Lyme Disease

    Lyme Disease, or Borreliosis,  is a bacterial infection with worldwide distribution . How to you get Lyme? The most established  view of transmission is from tick bites. Ticks carry bacteria, parasites and viruses. The main infection ticks carry is Borrelia. They also carry these co-infections: Ehrlichia , Bartonella, Mycoplasma, Babesia. It is the infections that cause the illness. Borrelia is known as the “Great Imitator” as it mimics more than 100 diseases. The corkscrew shape of the bacterium allows it to penetrate every organ.  It is the fastest growing tick-borne disease in North America and Europe  and is reaching epidemic proportions. It’s the most under- diagnosed and politicized disease in North America, particularly Canada where inadequate diagnosis & treatment leads to chronic and debilitating  illness

    Acute Lyme is recognized if one has a known tick bite in an endemic area with the hallmark bulls-eye rash. Other Symptoms include: Flu-like symptoms; Joint pains, Swollen knee (particularly in children). The standard treatment is 2- 4 weeks of antibiotic therapy.

    Chronic Lyme is more complicated.  There is a general ignorance about Chronic Lyme in the medical profession. There is inadequate testing for Lyme and its co-infections, especially in Canada.  Poor testing and diagnosis and inadequate treatment of acute Lyme leads to chronic Lyme. As chronic Lyme can mimic over 100 chronic diseases (many of which are considered to have no known cause, for example, MS, ALS, Colitis), many people are not diagnosed with Lyme, but with M.S., lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, autism.

    There are several methods for treating Lyme disease including antibiotic treatment, bio-resonance, herbalism and other nutritional therapies.

    Please have a look at the following brochures to learn more about Lyme and its manifestations from

10 Tips for Preventing Chronic Lyme Disease  and how to recognize if you might be suffering from Lyme

Psychiatric Lyme Disease – did you know that Lyme can manifest with psychiatric symptoms? This guide for patients (and psychiatrists) tells you what to look for and how to understand the impact of Lyme in this area of mental health.


Lyme Disease in Children  – it can manifest with many symptoms – including an inability to concentrate, changes in behaviour and temperament and even signs of learning disabilities. If you have kids – you need to read this. From the Lyme Disease Association: Lyme Disease in Children


Documentary: Toxic Trespass – June 7

See the award-winning documentary this Friday, June 7.

Toxic Trespass on Children’s Health and the Environment
All screenings at Centre for Social Innovation, 215 Spadina Ave., Suite 120, 7 p.m. PYWC (pay-what-you-can). Q&A and discussion to follow. Wheelchair accessible.

EcoHealth Family Health Tips: 3 Hidden Home Health Hazards

What makes us feel sick and tired? What helps us feel better?

There are many, often complex, reasons behind ill health – but we don’t always have to look for the most complex solutions.  If you watch out for these 3 hazards you’ll be putting yourself and your family to get on the path to better health!

Hazard 1: Scented household, laundry, air-freshening and body-care products

Opt for scent-free products as the chemicals used in scented products are often carcinogenic and can cause headaches, foggy concentration, and respiratory distress. 

Hazard 2: Newly purchased furniture, bedding, carpets, clothing & plastic toys

These items can give off a ‘new’ item smell that is laden with toxins and chemicals. Always wash and air-out new items. These chemical smells can cause flu-like symptoms.

Hazard 3: Mold

Mold growth in damp basements, behind wallpaper, under carpets or in the bathroom needs to be removed from the home. Mold can impact the respiratory and nervous system and can even affect your mood.

Home is where you relax. By avoiding these hidden home health hazards you lay a foundation for good health for you and your family.

This is one of the easiest and most effective ways to improve your family’s health!

Holiday Season Meditation

Loving-Kindness Meditation

This can be a stressful time of year.

The loving-kindness meditation can help fill your life with peace.

Sit quietly, close your eyes, take 3 slow deep breaths.

Repeat the meditation out-loud or in your mind.

Do this once a day until the New Year.

May I be happy and peaceful

May my family be happy and peaceful

May my friends be happy and peaceful

May all people I work with be happy and peaceful

May all people in my neighbourhood be happy and peaceful

May all people in my city be happy and peaceful

May all people in the province be happy and peaceful

May all people in the country be happy and peaceful

May all people on the continent be happy and peaceful

May all people in the world be happy and peaceful

Back to School

Getting Healthy for the Fall!

Vacation season is quickly coming to a close and everyone is getting ready to get back to their regularly scheduled routines.  Whether it’s back to school for the kids and teens or back to work for you, now is a great time to make sure you’re at optimal health for the coming fall season. 

Increasing your fresh and whole food intake by adding more fruit, vegetables and whole grains to your daily meals and eating high quality lean protein such as organic chicken, wild caught salmon and legumes will provide you and your family with the basic building blocks to great health.  Nutritional supplements of essential vitamins and minerals as well as herbal medicines can go a long way in improving your overall wellbeing and energy while helping to lend support to the immune system in time for a busy fall season. 

If you are looking to avoid illness this cold and flu season, speak to a Naturopath about safe and effective nutrient, herbal and homeopathic alternatives to conventional cold and flu treatment.

No matter what your health needs are, the time to start is NOW!  Being mindful of your health now will reduce illness during school and work while improving performance and productivity throughout the year.

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