Are you struggling with chronic physical pain, fatigue, overwhelm, brain fog , depletion, burnout, and health issues that  doctors have been stumped by?

We listen. Everyone has a story and within that story is the key to restoring health. You are an important part of your healing. 

Results-based Holistic Approaches to Recovering from Chronic Health Challenges using State of the Art BioResonance Methods

We have a high success rate in resolving people’s complex health. We have a high success rate because our program is designed to assess and investigate the very things that many other health practitioners miss in dealing with chronic illness.

Many of our clients come to us frustrated that their health issues can’t seem to be resolved. Our approach truly gets to the root cause and enables people to achieve balance in body and mind. Those are the kind of results we love to provide.

Our clients come to us with the following conditions:

  • Adrenal issues
  • Brain-fog
  • Burnout
  • Candida
  • Chronic Fatigue
  • Chronic Pain
  • Detoxification
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Gastrointestinal problems
  • Headaches
  • Lyme Disease
  • Menopausal symptoms
  • Migraines
  • Mold Exposure
  • Parasites
  • Perimenopausal symptoms
  • Smoking Cessation

Chronic health is misunderstood because the mainstream medical model works on the basis of symptom management – it’s not seen as having any root causes. If you aren’t looking for root causes – how can you find a solution that helps end the suffering?

If you do not remove the cause – your health cannot recover.  Our technology is able to do that.

We have a comprehensive and individually targeted healing protocol for chronic health issues that cleanses, repairs and restores the body’s vitality.

In the initial consultation alone we’ll investigate:

  • Your health history and health story in a consult with award winning practitioner, Dr. Jozef Krop MD (ret), CNP
  • Preliminary exposures – to identify over 30 types of common but overlooked stealth exposures that could be impacting your health. This preliminary screening points us in the right direction to identify  bacteria, molds, parasites, viruses or toxins that are common blockages to healing
  • Food sensitivity screen – because even healthy food can create minor reactions or inflammation
  • Environmental stress screen – so you know what environmental toxins are stressing your system
  • Organ health scan – that will pinpoint and evaluate problem areas
  • Supplement screening – we’ll screen any supplements that might be recommended to be sure you are compatible with them.
  • A Bicom Bioresonance balancing session – experience the healing power of this technology. 
  • Access to our online 7 Health Stressors coaching program

And that’s just the beginning.

 I am so grateful for Dr. Krop and his excellent staff for restoring my health after suffering with Lyme Disease for years. I was not improving and a friend recommended going to the Eco Health Centre.  Even though I was a bit skeptical at first, the results were unbelievable. I finally feel like I got my life back and I owe it all to the clinic. The staff at Eco Health and Wellness Centre truly care for their clients.  I would highly recommend this clinic to everyone. – K. Menard

Contact us 905-816-9657 to book your initial consultation – and get on the pathway that has helped hundreds of people reclaim their health and vitality.

What People Are Saying

“I always find something at Eco-Health and Wellness to either alleviate or eliminate whatever has been bothering me with my health, whether it’s fatigue, brain fog, congestion, difficulties sleeping, stress, moodiness, bloating, stamina, joint and muscle pain, headaches etc. If you’re open to alternative treatments and leading a healthy and clean lifestyle, I would highly recommend them! Their approach goes way beyond the standard suggestions of eating a healthy diet and exercising; it is holistic, proactive and comprehensive.” – Natalie R.

“Treatment here has been the healing experience of a lifetime”. – H. Ferrie

“Dr. Krop educated me in what healthy living was. If you follow his instructions you will see the results. Now at the ripe old age of 85, I have more energy than I have ever had.”  – H. Trass

“I had struggled with health issues for several years.  Fatigue, chronic illness, lethargy, brain fog and an inability to regain the energy I used to have.  Every doctor and specialist I saw could find nothing wrong and I was very frustrated.  I was very lucky to find Ecohealth and Wellness.  I had a mixture of toxins in my body that contributed to my overall health problems.  Bi-com treatment completely turned this around for me.  I have the energy and vitality that I used have in my 20’s and have a greater awareness of how to maintain optimum health.  Dr. Krop and his team not only cured me of the health issues I had been experiencing for years but he taught me how to prevent these issues from recurring.  Thank you so much Dr. Krop to you and to your team for doing what no other doctor was able to do for me in the last 30 years.  I am truly grateful!” -H. Champagne

If your health is negatively interfering with your day-to-day life, if it’s impacting your work performance, jeopardizing your relationships, exhausting your motivation, and consuming your free time – we have the skills to figure out the health puzzle and put you on the track to feeling better…because there is a tremendous cost to depletion, overwhelm and feeling you are not at your best.

Many people search for years for adequate understanding of their health concerns.  It’s frustrating to not be able to resolve your health issues. We don’t believe health complaints are “all in your head”. We recognize that there are hidden causes for ill health and many times environmental factors and stealth infections are the underlying cause. Bioresonance works extremely well in addressing balancing energy in these areas: alleviating chronic conditions, mold toxicity, GI issues,  addressing adrenal burnout, stress, and detoxification.


**Please note: This is not a medical office, it is  bioresonance wellness healing centre. As such there are some conditions that are out of our scope of practice and we are unable to address. We do not have the medical facilities nor tools to support serious acute issues (such as acute heart conditions, severe shortness of breath, severe allergies), nor disease processes in their advanced stages (such as cancer, ALS, paralysis, psychiatric disorders and any condition that requires hospitalization). These kinds of conditions are best addressed by being under the care of a medical doctor. 

**Ecohealth and Wellness reserves the right to not take on a client for any reason after the initial consultation if the health condition in question is beyond our scope of practice. We can make recommendations for other practitioners to see, but we cannot make referrals.*