When I immigrated to Canada from Poland in 1972 at age 27 I had 17 white fillings. The dentist at the university dental school in Toronto who examined me told me white fillings were inferior and replaced all 17 fillings with ‘state of the art’ mercury amalgam. Within about a half a year I started to feel sick. I developed headaches. I wasn’t clear in my mind and felt foggy. Several months later, I experienced symptoms of nervousness, irritability, outbursts for no specific reason, poor concentration, tiredness, weakness, shaking, and trembling inside, ringing in the ears, dizziness. My allergy symptoms increased; Chemicals started to bother me also. I could not figure out what was happening and had tears of frustration.
As I continued my alternative medical training I began to learn about how toxic mercury is. I decided to have my amalgams removed. Unfortunately the dentist had no training in how to do this safely and as I was not a dentist, I did not know what the proper procedure was. He told me some of the teeth were damaged and would need root canals. I accepted his explanation and ended up with white fillings but also 11 root canals.
Later, I changed to an IAOMT dentist. He discovered that the mercury vapor readings in my mouth were off the charts. Could something have happened as a result of my last dental operation? I called the dentist who had performed my root canals and he told me that filled up all my root canals with amalgam. My heart sank. Then I was furious. But I was assured that this is a common standard dental practice.
I finally had the mercury removed from my roots and had those teeth extracted. I came home and followed up with the detoxification supplement protocol and vitamin C IV. Before going to sleep, I noticed that I no longer had the brain fog that I had had for the past several years. It was such a relief. I was 62. It took 35 years to fully resolve my tooth-health issues.
You are probably thinking: you’re a medical doctor so how could you be so dumb with your teeth? You see, at that time, I was the patient and so I trusted that my practitioners knew what they were doing. I tell you my story so you can be an aware and informed client. Here are 3 main areas to be aware of.
- Teeth are Connected to Your Body
According to acupuncture, each tooth is connected to a particular organ, vertabrae & gland via a meridian channel
Infection, an abcsess or toxicity from dental material in a tooth can transfer disease to its corresponding organ, creating cascading health problems that can lead to degenerative illness.
- 5 Harmful Effects of Mercury Fillings on Your Overall Health
Effects on the Nervous System: Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s disease, epilepsy, disorder of gait, depression, anxiety, poor concentration, nervousness, irritability, aggressiveness, restlessness, dizziness, disorders of the memory, multiple sclerosis, autism, paralysis, neuralgia, visual disorders (tunnel vision), speech disorders, muscle spasms, tinnitus, tiredness, weakness, loss of drive, weakness of muscles.
Effects on Hormones: Contributes to impaired adrenal, thyroid and insulin function. Hormone disrupting . The impact on this system contributes to diabetes, infertility and cancer.
Effects on the Skin: Alopecia, eczema, different skin reactions and excessive sweating.
Effects on the Immune System: Increases susceptibility for infections, contributes to allergies, autoimmune disorders and cancer
Effects on the Gastrointestinal System: Kidney damage, paradentosis, gingival bleeding, metallic taste, abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, ulcerative colitis,
The removal of amalgam (mercury) fillings must be done by a qualified IAOMT Dentist along with a specific supplement protocol to assist the body in removing the stores of mercury.
- Why Root Canals Can Be a Problem
By harboring bacteria that continuously release toxins into the body, root canal teeth weaken the body and contribute to degenerative diseases.
The problem is that even the most thorough procedures fail to completely remove the infection in an infected tooth/root. This is because teeth are mostly made up of denitn, a hard material made of tiny tubules which transports liquid nutrients. When a tooth is infected, the bacteria get into these tubules and become inaccessible during root canal therapy even with follow up antibiotic treatment. The bacteria become locked in and continue to fester, leading to abscesses.
These toxins escape through the periodontal membrane and pass into the blood stream and lymphatic system and then on to other areas of the body. Not only does a root canal tooth always remain infected, but this infection can contribute to a number of degenerate diseases, mainly of the heart, kidney , and joints.
Sooner or later, all root canals get abscesses. You might consider seeing a dentist trained in biological dentistry who has experience with cleaning out bacteria from dental pockets. The best alternative might be to have the tooth pulled. Be sure to seek qualified dental advice on the best course of action.
So, how about your? Is it your teeth?
Have you had root canals, mercury fillings or recurrent problems with your teeth? Do you get regular dental care? Many health issues, small and large, can be related to your teeth.
- Head and neck pain
- Rheumatism
- Cancer
- MS and other autoimmune disorders
- Sinusitis
- Hormonal problems
- Tinnitus
- Heart disease
- Anxiety, irritability, poor concentration, fog
- Muscle spasms, twitching, shaking
- Diarrhea and GI issues
- Hormonal imbalance
- Exhaustion
- Dizziness
- Weak immune system
What can cause 75 systemic diseases due to pathology in the jaw bone and /or teeth? These common dental issues:
- Bridges, Dentures, Implants
- Mercury amalgams and other toxic materials used in dental work
- Galvanic currents (electricity created between the metal fillings, crowns and gums leading to mercury staining of the gums)
- Decay (cavities) usually created by excess sugar and bacteria creating plaque
- Root canals & infections of the teeth and gums
Dental health is vitally important to overall health. I often tell my clients they have to get their teeth looked after before they can do any work with me. Even a highly knowledgeable health practitioner, with the most innovative and effective tools, recommending the highest quality supplements with the best intentions and the most willing and protocol-compliant client, cannot make significant headway in healing anyone if the clients dental health is problematic. I experienced these health issues myself, and I do not wish that experience on anyone – and that is why I am so adamant about proper dental health for my clients.