There are many wonderful healing methodologies available for your health concerns. But no matter which one you decide to pursue, there are fundamental building blocks to good health that need to be present. Without them good health is an impossible goal. With them almost any health challenge can be helped. They are the foundation on which any other protocol must rest to restore health and wellbeing.
Now these tips are pretty basic – but you would be surprised how many people go to all sorts of extreme lengths for various treatments, spending loads of money on the latest and greatest supplements, and lose themselves in the pages of Dr. Google, but neglect these basic principles. These tips are 100% within your control – they don’t require anyone to do anything to you or prescribe anything for you. Knowledge is power, and consistent, empowered action will heal you.
- Be aware of your food sensitivities
Our body uses food for fuel – it is the foundation of good health – without putting the right fuel in our body – nothing else is bound to be effective. Food sensitivities can cause different reactions from severe to mild. They can impact energy levels, pain, mood, and inflammation.
- Be aware of your food sensitivities – even the seemingly mild ones
- Follow the 4-Day Elimination/Rotation Diet
- Eliminate junk foods, fast food, drinks & processed foods
- Limit caffeine (if you need coffee have it 1.5 h after a meal)
- Limit or eliminate alcoholic beverages
- Limit Candida-promoting foods (sugar, yeast, white flour, vinegar)
- Avoid GMO foods
- Eat Organic Foods (when able)
- Eat naturally fermented foods regularly as a natural probiotic
- Filter drinking water.
2. Eliminate Household Toxins
Scented products, cleaners & toiletries are a concoction of chemicals that are neurological toxins, carcinogens and hormone disruptors. Eliminate them completely from your life.
These get absorbed directly through your skin, get stored in fat cells and others are inhaled and go directly to the brain and respiratory system from where they wreak havoc on your health.
Indoor mold growth is a major health hazard. Mold mycotoxins are toxic to our nervous system. Most mycotoxins are also cytotoxic meaning they disrupt cellular structures and processes. A plethora of health issues result from toxic mold exposure. Simply cleaning the mold with bleach is not enough as this only cleans away the surface mold, not what may be growing under the floors or behind the walls. Mold killers alone aren’t the answer. Even dead mold is still toxic. Professional bioremediation is the beginning of a medical detox program.
- Eliminate scented air freshener (car or home)
- Eliminate scented deodorant
- Eliminate Scented lotions/creams
- Eliminate Scented soaps, body wash
- Eliminate scented shampoo, hair products
- Eliminate perfume, cologne,
- Eliminate scented laundry detergent
- Eliminate scented fabric softener
- Eliminate scented cleaning products
- Eliminate cosmetics with toxins
- Wash and air-out newly purchased items before use
- Eliminate use of Raid, mothballs and any pescticide, herbicides or fungicides
- Never heat food in plastic containers – use glass
- Use air filter for bathing, washing and cooking. If you don’t filter your water your body becomes the water filter.
- Remediate indoor mold problems
3. Reduce electromagnetic exposure
The most vulnerable organs that can be affected are the brain, heart, testicles, and ovaries. Evidence now supports that cell phones may cause brain tumors, cancer of the eye, salivary glands, testicles, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, leukemia and Alzheimer’s. Other effects of EMR are insomnia, tinnitus, headaches, tremors, cataracts, dizziness, ‘spacey’ feeling, nausea, irregular rapid heartbeat, feelings of irritation and anxiety. The most vulnerable to electromagnetic radiation stress are babies, children, pregnant women and the elderly.
- Don’t sleep with a cellphone near your body.
- Use Ethernet, not wireless
- Do not keep your cell phone on your body or to your ear.
- Do not put computers or ipads on your lap
- Eliminate electronics (TV, phone, computer, plugged in items) from the bedroom
- Don’t use cordless phones as they are powerful transmitters of EMF
- Do take regular breaks when working on your computer
- Don’t use an electric blanket/bed
- Keep computers a minimum 30cm away from your chest at a desk
- Turn modem off at night
Our body and our home is the terrain in which health or illness lives. By removing these common, but easy to avoid blockages to health, and creating habits that enhance health, we are creating an inner and outer environment where health & wellbeing, not illness, can thrive.